Anti-Chicken (IgY) HRP-Conjugated Antibody

Cat.No. [20.0010.02]: 200 µl

antibodyNew Zealand White Rabbits are immunized with complete IgG (IgY) from chicken egg yolk, purified to nearly 100% (DabioPrepII). HRP conjugation: The antibody is conjugated via the periodate method to Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP). The HRP has a RZ of > 3, 1000 ABTS U/mg, 300 pyrogallol U/mg. The conjugation is performed 1+1 in mg of antibody + HRP

Detailed Information
Type of ProductPolyclonal Antibody
Quantity0.2 ml
AntigenComplete IgG (IgY) from chicken egg yolk (DabioPrepII)
Host AnimalRabbit
PurificationAffinity Purified (Antigen Specific)

Applications of the Antigen

Please note, that the concentration can vary in your own assays. Please test your own working concentrations. In tests we have found the following concentrations to be useful: WesternBlot: 1:200 to 2:20 000 ELISA: 1:1 500 to 1:50 000 Immuno-Histo-Chemistry: 1:10 to 1:1 000

Order Information

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