Protein Expression Service
Recombinant expression of your protein in E. coli is utilized to obtain protein for antibody generation. Peptides that represent your protein can be used instead of protein expression in E. coli. Simply submit us your protein sequence and we will recommend peptides for antibody production. Visit our Peptide Page for additional details.

DNA Synthesis & Vector Generation
Synthesis of the gene and subcloning into an expression plasmid.

Protein Expression Evaluation
Evaluation of the best conditions for the expression.

Protein Expression
Expression of your protein in E. coli.

Order Process
DNA Synthesis and Subcloning
Cat.No.E111: DNA Synthesis
Cat.No.E112: Subcloning
Synthesis of your DNA and codon optimization for the expression in E. coli. Restriction sites are inserted to subclone the synthesized DNA in a vector. The DNA is subcloned in an expression vector. Here we usually use an IPTG induceable plasmid with ampicillin or kanamycin resistance and a tag for easy purification like HIS-tags.
Protein Expression Evaluation
Cat.No.E113: Expression Evaluation
To express your protein in the best possible way Davids performs an expression evaluation. The plasmid is transformed in different E. coli strains (two strains are included). The inductor concentration, the expression time and the expression temperature is varied.
Protein Expression & Purification
Cat.No.E100: Protein Expression in E. coli
Davids performs the protein expression of your protein in E. coli according to the protocol established in the evaluation or according to a customer provided protocol. The expression is for the antibody production only. We can not guarantee that the final protein/enzyme stays active during the purification process.
Order Process
You can get your offer for protein expression here: Every expression project is different and to give you the best service I recommend to write us your special needs.
To fasten up the process and help us to give you the best service possible ensure you provide the following information:
- If available: Expression Plasmid, Expression Protocol, Plasmid information (Sequence, Origin, Antibiotic Resistance, Inductor/Promotor, tag)
- Sequence from your gene
- Known Information of your antigen: Solubility, Toxicity
- Our Offer or your official PO
- VAT number (only EU Customers, not German Customers)
As an alternative to protein expression you can use peptides that represent your protein. If you want to order peptide antibodies just send us your protein sequence and we suggest you peptides that represent your protein. For more information: Peptide Antibodies