Antibody Production Services
Custom Antibodies directly from the manufacturer

Directly from the manufacturer
Made in Germany

Antibody Production
Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies

High Quality
Quality controls with ELISA titer determinations.

Monoclonal Antibodies
Development of Hybridoma and Production from your antibodies

Fast Turnaround
Quick start of your antibody projects and fast deliveries

Peptide Synthesis
Synthesis of your custom peptides and design for your peptide antibodies
Antibody Development & Production
As one of Europe's largest antibody production companies, Davids makes it simple to generate antibodies. Get personalized antibody assistance from our scientists through email or phone. Our scientists help you with antigen selection and antibody creation.
Davids (Davids Biotechnologie GmbH) was formed in 1996 in Regensburg, Germany, a World Heritage city. The following custom antibody services are available: Polyclonal Antibodies from rabbit, chicken, mouse, rat, or guinea pig. We also create your monoclonal antibodies from mice or rats. We make your antibodies from any supplied antigen or from antigens created by ourselves. Proteins, peptides, cells, virus particles, SDS gel fragments, toxins, and other substances are examples of antigens. Your antibodies are manufactured in our laboratory by competent personnel using our well-established, animal- and environmentally-friendly processes. The pricing and client satisfaction demonstrate our efficient antibody manufacturing. Our clients' diverse antigens and needs necessitate unique methods. Our proven antibody production methods include rapid antibody formation in only 28 days (SuperFast), vaccinations with very low antigen doses (LowDose), and bespoke procedures.
Antibody Purification
When combined with our well-established purification procedures, you receive antibodies that suits to your applications. In addition to antigen-specific affinity purifications, we provide complete antibody fraction purifications (Protein A). Furthermore, our depletion columns eliminate unwanted antibodies that identify a tag or undesired peptide or protein variations. We generate your antibodies with the highest purity using our "polishing processes" by size exclusion or ion exchange chromatography. In addition to polyclonal antibody purification from serum or chicken egg yolk, we also provide monoclonal antibody purification. Our enhanced purification approach for cell culture supernatants enables the purification of IgG, IgM, and other subtypes. We provide the whole service from the hybridoma cell to the purified antibody.
Antigen Production
Allow us to create your antigens: peptide synthesis, protein expression, SDS extractions from gel fragments, preparation of cells and virus particles, as well as antigen conjugations. You will be provided with a full variety of antigen manufacturing and vaccination preparation services. Our scientists will assist you with the antigen preparation.
Antibody Modifications
Antibody labeling, fragmentation, and conjugation to various enzymes, proteins, or dyes will provide you with a variety of possibilities for your applications. Antibodies, proteins, kits, and buffers are available in our store.